
  • Toward a General Theory of Psychological Suffering: The Polarized Mind The commentary proposes a general theory of psychological suffering along with some suggestions about how to reduce that suffering.
  • The Case for Existential Psychotherapy
    Most of our troubles as human beings are traceable to one overriding problem: our suspension in the groundlessness of existence.
  • The Spirituality of Awe: A Cross-Cultural, Social Action Proposal for the Digital Age [Summary of my Invited Address to the 2nd World Congress of Existential Therapy]
  • The Hardening-and the Hope-of the American Heart [Also published in adapted versions at Tikkun Magazine online as well as the Better Angels website, this article explores the connection between our increasing enchantment with technology (the “machine model for living”) and our present state of ethnic and cultural polarization in the U.S. and abroad–yet also discussing the hope of grass roots movements promoting safe and structured person-to-person dialogues among diversified groups.]
  • The Chief Peril Is Not a Diagnosis, but the Polarized Mind [Adapted version of an article in the Journal of Humanistic Psychology exploring the context of what I call “the polarized mind” as an expansion of the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association) to include the “disorders” of systems and cultures as well as individuals.]
  • Enchanted Agnosticism [Also published in adapted versions in Tikkun Magazine online, as well as the APA journal Spirituality in Clinical Practice, this piece derives from a chapter in my book Rediscovery of Awe, and outlines my perspective on an emerging spiritual movement both in the U.S. and abroad.]
  • Toward a Humanistic Positive Psychology: Why Can’t We Just Get Along?[A “popular” article published in the APA journal The Humanistic Psychologist, exploring the need for a humanistic-integrative context for positive psychology]
  • Relationship-Based Democracy: A Depth Approach to the Legislative Process [A summary of what I now call “the experiential democracy dialogue” and its implications for ethical-deliberative processes in government and communities
  • Toward a Science of the Heart: Romanticism and the Revival of Psychology [This is one of the few articles in the flagship journal of the American Psychological Association to advocate for a neo-romantic, existential-humanistic revitalization of the field of psychology. It took me three years to see this piece through to publication]
  • Toward a Sustainable Myth of the Self [one of the best statements of my and Rollo May’s philosophical position that I have ever read. It also shows the direct lineage between my perspective on “the paradoxical self” and May’s “cry” for a sustainable, existentially informed apprehension of self.]
  • Reflections on Therapeutic Mastery, Part 1 [Part 1 of an interview I gave which was adapted for the book “On Being a Master Therapist: Practicing What You Preach” by J. Kottler and J. Carlson.]
  • Interview on The Spirituality of Awe [Illuminating Interview by Britt-Mari Sykes on my recent book The Spirituality of Awe in our digital age]

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